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Expand 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas1 - Personal Papers of Sir Lawrence Dundas
Collapse 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas
Expand 1 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Correspondence1 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Correspondence
Collapse 2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Militia and Volunteer papers2 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Militia and Volunteer papers
1 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Account book
2 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Receipt book
3 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Printed notice of resolution of meeting at Northallerton to raise regiment
4 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Letter from Lieutenant Robert Brownrigg to Sergeant McCrery
5 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Certificate for Sergeant Robert McCrery
6 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Letter from John Parish, Office of Ordnance to Earl Fauconberg
7 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Letter from R Barton (Newbury) to Robert McCrery about recruitment
8 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Commission of Thomas Dundas as Lieutenant Colonel in Earl Fauconberg's regiment of foot
9 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Earl Fauconberg's instructions to recruiting officers of Yorkshire North Riding Volunteer Regiment of Foot
10 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: List of bills drawn by Lietenant Colonel Dundas
11 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Account of J Millan
12 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Receipt for £90 paid by Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to Thomas Dundas
13 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Order by Thomas Dundas to Messrs B ishopp and Brummell to pay £9 to Ebenezer Evans
14 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Receipt for £50 paid by Messrs.Bishopp and Brummell to Thomas Dundas
15 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Receipt for £50 paid by Messrs.Bishopp and Brummell to Thomas Dundas
16 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Order by Thomas Dundas to Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to pay £50 to Edward Pyot
17 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Order by Thomas Dundas to Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to pay £30 to Edward Wools
18 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Receipt for £30 paid by Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to Thomas Dundas
19 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Account of George Miller for musical instruments
20 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Receipt for £20 paid by Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to Thomas Dundas
21 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Order by Thomas Dundas to Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to pay £15 to Ensign; Wilmot
22 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Account of Messrs Winte, Son and Hay, lace and fringe makers
23 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Account of Robert Horne for drum rim
24 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Order by Sir Thomas Dundas to Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to pay £30 to Captain James Chaloner
25 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Order by Henry Griffin to Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to pay £50 to John Sadler from Sir Thomas's account
26 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Letter from Major T Mackarill (Abingdon) to Sir Thomas Dundas (Arlington Street) as Colonel
27 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Copy orders and instructions for disbanding Colonel Earl Fauconberg's Regiment of Yorkshire Volunteers
28 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Orders by Sir Thomas Dundas to Messrs Bishopp and Brummell to pay arrears to Lieutenant Blenkhorne
29 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Memorial to Sergeant Edward Ivory
30 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Copy letter from General H S Conway (Park Place) to Sir George Young
31 - Lord Fauconberg's Volunteer Regiment of Foot: Letter from [?] Lewis to Sir Thomas Dundas
32 - Militia: Letter from Matthew Lewis (War Office) to Sir Thomas Dundas
33 - Militia: Bill of John Garden
34 - Militia: Printed booklet of certain rules and orders to be observed by the embodied Militia
35 - Militia: Memorial of Sir Thomas Dundas to the King for renewal of commission
36 - Militia: Sir Thomas Dundas's enquiries and observations
37 - Militia: Clothing returns for Colonel Earl Fauconberg's Company
38 - Militia: Clothing returns for Captaiin Foulis's Company
39 - Militia: Clothing returns for Captaiin Wardell's Company
40 - Militia: Clothing returns for Captaiin James's Company
41 - Militia: Clothing returns for Captain Earl Pomfret's Company
42 - Militia: Clothing returns for Captain Sir Georfe Wombwell's Company
43 - Militia: Clothing returns for Captain Pratt's Company
44 - Militia: Letter from Harriet Dundas (Colchester) to Lord Dundas (London)
45 - Militia: Letter from Captain William Hale (Colchester) to Lord Dundas (London)
46 - Militia: Letter from Captain William Hale (Colchester) to Lord Dundas (London)
47 - Militia: Letter from Captain William Hale (Colchester) to Lord Dundas (London)
48 - Militia: Letter from Anthony Austin (Wotten) to [?]
49 - Militia: Letter from Charles Greenwood (Craig's Court) to Lord Dundas
50 - Militia: Letter from John Trotter (Croft Hall) to Lord Dundas
51 - Militia: Letter from Captain William Hale (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
52 - Militia:Letter frm Captain Phillip Thomas (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
53 - Militia: Captain William Hale (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
54 - Militia: Anonymous letter from Colchester barracks to Lord Fauconberg
55 - Militia: Return of the different articles received from Messrs Pearse and Sons for the clothing of the North Yorkshie Regiment in the year 1793-4
56 - Militia: Details of the service of Captain Philliip Thomas
57 - Militia: Letter from Charles Greenwood (Audley Square) to Lord Dundas
58 - Militia: Letter from J Edy (Romney Row, Westminster) to Lord Dundas
59 - Militia: Letter from Lord Pomfret (Portman Square) to ord Dundas (Arlington Street)
60 - Militia: Letter from Lord Pomfret (Portman Square) to ord Dundas (Arlington Street)
61 - Militia: Letter from Charles W Este (Newcastle) to Lord Dundas
62 - Militia: Letter from Phillip Thomas (Yarm) to Lord Fauconberg
63 - Militia: Letter from Phillip Thomas (Yarm) to Lord Dundas
64 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel C W Davis (Colchester) to Lord Fauconberg
65 - Militia: Letter from Major Robert Colling (Colchester Barracks) to Lord Dundas
66 - Militia: Letter from Colonel C W Este (Newcastle upon Tyne) to Lord Dundas
67 - Militia: Letter from the Duke of Portland (Whitehall) to Lord Fauconberg
68 - Militia: Colonel R Matthews' memorandum on Sergeant Powell
69 - Militia: Letter from Phillip Thomas (Yarm) to Lord Dundas
70 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel R Mathews to Captain Coffin
71 - Militia: Letter from JN and B Pearse to Lord Dundas
72 - Militia: Letter from Lord Henry Seymoour (Tilbury Fort) to lord Dundas
73 - Militia: Letter from Peter Serle (Galway) to Lord Dundas
74 - Militia: Letter from Philip Thomas (Yarm) to Lord Dundas
75 - Militia: Letter from Willia Harvard (London) to Lord Dundas
76 - Militia: Letter from the Duke of Portland (Whitehall) to Lord Fauconberg
77 - Militia: Letter from Captain Charles James (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
78 - Militia: Letter from Sir William Howe (Wivenhoe) to Lord Dundas
79 - Militia: Letter from Major Robert Colling (Lambeth Lawn) to Lord Dundas
80 - Militia: Letter from Quartermaster William Rudd (Sandwich) to Lord Dundas
81 - Militia: Letter from Captain James (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
82 - Militia: Letter from Sir William Howe (Wivenhoe) to Lord Dundas
83 - Militia: Letter from John McKillop (Stirling) to Lord Dundas
84 - Militia: Letter from Charles Greenwood (Craig's Court) to Lord Dundas
85 - Militia: Letter from Mr Oliphant (London) to Lord Dundas
86 - Militia: Letter from Thomas Hawkes (London) to Lord Dundas
87 - Militia: Letter from William Newman and Sons (Lomdon) to Lord Dundas
88 - Militia: Letter from Nicholas Fitzgerald (Stratford Coffee House, Oxford Stree, London) to Lord Dundas
89 - Militia: Letter from Thomas and Richard Walker (Manchester) to Lord Dundas
90 - Militia: Letter from Captain Charles James (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
91 - Militia: Letter from Bundell and Bridge (Ludgate Hill) to Lord Dundas
92 - Militia: Letter from the Duke of Portland (Whitehall) to Lord Fauconberg
93 - Militia: Letter from William Hawkins (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
94 - Militia: Letter from JN and B Pearse (Londn) to Lord Dundas
95 - Militia: Letter from Alexander Bremner (Walls) to Lord Dundas
96 - Militia: Letter from E Hewgill (Horse Guards) toLord Dundas
97 - Militia: Letter from John Wilkinson to Lord Dundas
98 - Militia: Letter from Captain William Hale (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
99 - Militia: Letter from Major General Crosbie (Portsmouth) to Lord Dundas
100 - Militia: Copy letter from Lord Dundas (Colchester) to Cox and Greenwood
101 - Militia: Letter from Charles James (London) to Lord Dundas
102 - Militia: Copy letter from Lord Dundas (Colchester) to Charles James
103 - Militia: Letter from Brigadier major General Alexander Hope (Wivenhoe) to Lord Dundas
104 - Militia: Letter from Alexander Munro (Dorrator) to Lord Dundas
105 - Militia: Letter from Major Robert Colling (Hurworth) to Lord Dundas
106 - Militia: Letter from Colonel Hewgill (Horse Guards) to Lord Dundas
107 - Militia: Copy letter from Lord Dundas to Captain Hobbs
108 - Militia: Letter from Major G Dawson (Barracks) to Lord Dundas
109 - Militia: Letter from Captain N S Fenwick to Lord Dundas
110 - Militia: Letter from Cornelius Smelt (Thirsk)
111 - Militia: Copy letter from Lord Dundas (Norman Cross) to Captain Smelt
112 - Militia: Letter from Lord Fauconburg (Newburgh) to Lord Dundas
113 - Militia: Letter from C Smelt (Thirsk) to Lord Dundas
114 - Militia: Letter from Lord Fauconberg (Newburgh) to Lord Dundas
115 - Militia: Letter from Major General D Dundas (London) to Lord Dundas
116 - Militia: Letter from Lord Fauconberg (George Street) to Lord Dundas
117 - Militia: Letter from Major D Dawson (Norman Cross) to Lord Dundas
118 - Militia: List of establishment of North Yorkshire Regiment
119 - Militia: Mess regulations by Major Dawson
120 - Militia accounts: Thomas Lonsdale, gold and silver lace man to Lord Dundas
121 - Militia accounts: Thomas Lonsdale, gold and silver lace man to Ensign Stirling
122 - Militia accounts: Joseph King and Co, mercers to Lord Dundas
123 - Militia accounts: Lieutenant Mawse's account for clothing to the Earl of Fauconberg
124 - Militia accounts: Lieutenant Mawse's account for clothing to Lord Dundas (?)
125 - Militia accounts: Nicholas Barrett for marksmen's caps etc
126 - Militia accounts: Thomas and Richard Walker (Manchester) to Lord Dundas
127 - Militia accounts: Cornet windows (Colchester)
128 - Militia accounts: Thomas Hawkes cap maker to Lord Dundas
129 - Militia accounts: Campbell Oliphant, hatter to Lord Dundas
130 - Militia accounts: Campbell Oliphant, hatter to Lord Dundas
131 - Militia accounts: Receipt by Barrettt for payment for officers' caps
132 - Letter from Robert Blake (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
133 - Letter from George Daniell (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
134 - Draft charges
135 - Draft charges
136 - Draft charges
137 - Militia: Letter from Robert Blake (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
138 - Militia: Letter from George Daniell (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
139 - Militia: Letter from George Daniell (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
140 - Militia: Letter from George Daniell (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
141 - Militia: Letter from Lord Dundas (Colchester) to Sir Wiliam Howe
142 - Militia: Letter from George Daniell (The Orchard, Wandsworth) to Lord Dundas
143 - Militia: George Daniell (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
144 - Militia: George Daniell (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
145 - Militia: Letter from Robert Blake (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
146 - Militia: Copy letter from Lord Dundas (Colchester) to Robert Blake
147 - Militia: Letter from Robert Blake (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
148 - Militia: Letter from George Daniell (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
149 - Militia: Letter from Robert Blake (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
150 - Militia: Letter from Robert Blake (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
151 - Militia: Letter from Robert Blake (Essex Street) to Lord Dundas
152 - Militia: Letter from Samuel Salter, Quartermaster, 11th regiment of Foot (Norwich) to Lord Dundas
153 - Militia: A most elegant new song in favour of the North York Militia now raised
154 - Militia: Standing Orders to be observed by the officers of the North York Regiment of Militia
155 - Militia: Bill of Jones and Garrell
156 - Militia: Account of Lord Dundas with.Lieutenant Stephenson
157 - Militia: Certificate of Thomas Williamson, surgeon, at Stokesley, about Corporal William Willkinson
158 - Militia: Account of David Bruce for Field Officer's marquee etc.
159 - Militia: Description of 2 deserters
160 - Militia: Monthly return
161 - Militia: Bill of Cramer and Key, military musical instrument makers
162 - Militia: Letter from Captain Mair (Gosport) to Lord Dundas
163 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant William Stephenson (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas
164 - Militia: Account of Lord Dundas with Messrs Greenwood and Company
165 - Militia: Bill of Goulding, Phipps D'Almaine and Company
166 - Militia: Names, rank and dates of commissions of officers
167 - Militia: Letter from Lord Dundas (Arlington Sreet) to Major General Calvert
168 - Militia: Duke of York (Horse Guards) to Lord Dundas
169 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Eastboure Barracks) to Lord Dundas
170 - Militia: Letter from Thomas Sanderson (Gray's Inn Coffee House) to Lieutenant Colonel hale (Richmond)
171 - Militia: Letter from Major R Grenside to Lord Dundas (Aske)
172 - Militia: Minutes of meeting of officers of NorthYorkshire Regiment at Eastbourne
173 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas
174 - Militia: Notice of Court of enquiry and charges by Lieutenant Clarkson against Lieutentant Stephenson
175 - Militia: Proceedings of a court of enquiry of North Yorkshire Regiment at Eastbourne
176 - Militia: Letter from Major L Grenside (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas
177 - Militia: Letter from Liuetenant William Stephenson [Eastbourne] to Lord Dundas
178 - Militia: List of subalterns to be promoted
179 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant William Stephenson [Eastbourne] to Lord Dundas
180 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant William Stephenson [Eastbourne] to Lord Dundas
181 - Militia: Letter from Ananias Stewart Crawford (York) to Lord Dundas
182 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas
183 - Militia: Letter from the Reverend C Knowlton (Keighley) to Lord Dundas
184 - Militia: Letter from Lord Hawkesbury (Whitehall) to the Duke to Leeds
185 - Militia: Letter from Mjor General Hewgill (Hornby Grange) to Lord Dundas
186 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas
187 - Militia: Letter from Major General Hewgill (Hornby Grange) to Lord Dundas
188 - Militia: Militia: Letter from Major General Hewgill (Hornby Grange) to Lord Dundas
189 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas
190 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Cradock (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas
191 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Cradock (Eastbourne) to Lord Dundas (Aske)
192 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Cradock (Playdon Barracks) to Lord Dundas
193 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Cradock (Playdon Barracks) to Lord Dundas
194 - Militia: Return of men who were discharged on having been found unfit for service by the surgeon and whose vacancies have not been supplied
195 - Militia: Return of men due to the North Yorkshire Regiment
196 - Militia: Rank names and dates of commissions of officers, Playdon
197 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Frankland (Albany) to Lord Dundas (Upleatham)
198 - Militia: Copy Order from Lieutenant General Ralph Abercrombie
199 - Militia: Return of men due to the North Yorkshire Regiment
200 - Militia: Letter from William Hale (Playdon Barracks) to Lord Dundas
201 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Richmond) to Lord Dundas
202 - Militia: Account of Lord Dundas with Lieutenant Stephenson, paymaster
203 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonal William Hale (Playdon) to Lord Dundas (Arlington Street)
204 - Militia: Return of number of men who have volunteered from the North Yorkshire Militia into the regular and maring forces
205 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Playdon Barracks) to Lord Dundas
206 - Militia: Return of things wanting for the band with names and instruments of members of band
207 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Playdon Barracks) to Lord Dundas
208 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Playdon Barracks) to Lord Dundas
209 - Militia: Letter from Captain Mair (Playdon Barrakcs) to Lord Dundas
210 - Militia: Letter from Thomas Winston 9Westminster) to Lord Dundas
211 - Militia: Letter from JN and B Pearse (Lothbury) to Lord Dundas
212 - Militia: Directions for the North York Regiment to do duty on board the prison ships in Gillingham Reach
213 - Militia: Details of duties to be furnished by the North Yorkshire Militia on board each prison ship
214 - Militia: Copy letter from Lord Dundas (Coatham) to Major General Lawson
215 - Militia: Copy letter from Major General R Lawson (Chatham Lines) to Lord Dundas
216 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Camp Chatham) to Lord Dundas
217 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale (Chatham) to Lord Dundas (Cheltenham)
218 - Militia: Copy letter from Lieutenant Colonel W Frankland (Chatham) to Major General H Calvert
219 - Militia: Copy letter from Lieutenant Colonel W Frankland (Chatham) to Lord Hawkesbury
220 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Chatham) to Lord Dundas
221 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel W Frankland (Chatham) to Lord Dundas
222 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant C Brown (Chatham) to Lord Dundas
223 - Militia: Letter from Maria Higginbotham (Hastings) to Lord Dundas
224 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Chatham) to Lord Dundas
225 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Chatmam) to Lord Dundas
226 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Sittingbourne) to Lord Dundas
227 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale (Marske) to Lord Dundas
228 - Militia: Copy letter about caps required by regiment
229 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mir (Deal Barracks) to Lord Dundas
230 - Militia: Letter from William Chaytor 9Spennithorne) to Lord Dundas
231 - Militia: Letter from the Duke of Leeds (Hornby Castle) to Lord Dundas
232 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel W Frankland (Deal Barracks) to Lord Dundas (Aske)
233 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal Barracks to Lord Dundas (Upleatham)
234 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Richmond) to Lord Dundas
235 - Militia: Bill of Thomas Egerton, bookseller
236 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Deal Barracks) to Lord Dundas
237 - Militia: Letter froom Corporal Henry Gulliver (Deal) to Lord Dundas
238 - Militia: Letter from Lord Dundas (Aske) to Major General Calvert
239 - Militia: Letter from F Moore (War Office) to Major General Calvert
240 - Militia: Letter from the Judge Advocate (General Office)
241 - Militia: Note to Major Geneal Calvert
242 - Militia: Letter from Major General Clvert (Horse Guards) to Lord Dundas
243 - Militia: Bill of JN and B Pearse for uniforms etc
244 - Militia: Bill of W and G Bicknell
245 - Militia: Letter from Doctor J Phene (Deal) to Lord Dundas (Arlington Street)
246 - Militia: Letter from John Bell to Lord Dundas
247 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Deal) to Lord Dundas
248 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant J Dennis (Deal) to Lord Dundas
249 - Militia: Letter from Captain Stride (Deal) to Lord Dundas
250 - Militia: Letter from jane Reid (Brighton) to Lord Dundas
251 - Militia: Letter from JN and B Pearse (Lothbury, London) to Quartermaster Moss (Deal)
252 - Militia: Letter from JN and B Pearse (Lothbury, London) to Quartermaster Moss (Deal)
253 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Craddock (Deal) to Lord Dundas
254 - Miltia: Letter from Major Sheldon Craddock (Deal) to Lord Dundas
255 - Militia: Letter from Mrs Lavinia Cottin (Hampton Court Palace) to Lord Dundas
256 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Richmond) to Lord Dundas
257 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Craddock (Deal) to Lord Dundas
258 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Craddock (Deal) to Lord Dundas
259 - Militia: Letter from Captain Strode (Saint Margaret's Bay) to Lord Dundas
260 - Militia: Letter from Thomas Humphrey (Dublin) to Lord Dundas
261 - Militia: Letter from Hugh Baird (Canal Bason) to Lord Dundas
262 - Militia: Letter from W Sritling (Dover) to Lieutenant Colonel Frankland
263 - Militia: Letter from Sir Ralph Milbank (Portland Place) to Lord Dundas
264 - Militia: Letter from Sir John Eden (Windlestone) to Lord Dundas
265 - Militia: Letter from Joh Blake Bainbridge (Durham) to Lord Dundas
266 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant C Brown (Deal) to Lord Dundas
267 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Webb Barberston, Dublin) to Lord Dundas
268 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale (Deal) to Lord Dundas
269 - Militia: Letter from Captain Constable (Deal) to Lord Dundas
270 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel Fred Barlow (Guernsey) to Lord Dundas
271 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale (Deal) to Lord Dundas
272 - Militia: Letter from the Duke of Leeds (Bath) to Lord Dundas
273 - Militia: Letter from JN and B Pearse (Lothbury) to Lord Dundas
274 - Militia: Letter from Greenwood, Cox and Co (Craig's Court) to Lord Dundas
275 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale (Deal) to Lord Dundas
276 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale (Deal) to Lord Dundas
277 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Colonel William Hale (Deal) to Lord Dundas
278 - Militia: Letter from Hugh Baird (Canal Bason) to Lord Dundas
279 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal) to Lord Dundas
280 - Militia: Letter from Margaret Walpole (Dover Street) to Lord Dundas
281 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal) to Lord Dundas
282 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal) to Lord Dundas
283 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal) to Lord Dundas
284 - Militia: Letter from Wormal, Gott and Wormal (Leeds) to Lord Dundas
285 - Militia: Letter from J P Strode (Hythe) to Lord Dundas
286 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal) to Lord Dundas
287 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Cradock to Lord Dundas
288 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Wiliam Elliot to Lord Dundas
289 - Militia: Letter from Captain M Constable (Walmer) to Lord Dundas
290 - Militia: Letter from Mahor Sheldon Cradock (Deal) to Lord Dundas
291 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal) to Lord Dundas
292 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Deal) to Lord Dundas
293 - Militia: Names, rank and dates of commission of officers of the North Yorkshire Regiment
294 - Militia: Letter from Major Charles Thoyts (Colchester) to Lord Dundas (Arlington Street)
295 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
296 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
297 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Cradock (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
298 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Colchester) to Lord Dundas
299 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Cradock (Harwich) to Lord Dundas
300 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Harwich) to Lord Dundas
301 - Miitia: Establishment of North Yorkshire Regiment at Harwich
302 - Militia: Receipted bill of Messrs Hodges and Sharwood
303 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Harwich) to Lord Dundas (Upleatham)
304 - Militia: Letter from the Duchess of Leeds (Hornby Castle) to Lord Dundas
305 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Craddock (Glasgow) to Lord Dundas (Harrogate)
306 - Militia: Letter from Anthony Dawson (Azerley) to Lord Dundas (?)
307 - Militia: Petition of Harriet Lang Weir, widow (Southampton) to te Duke of York
308 - Militia: Letter from Major Sheldon Craddock (Auchnacloy) to Lord Dundas (Aske)
309 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant George Bagnett (Leeds) to Lieutenant Biddle (Richmond)
310 - Militia: Letter from Captaiin P Mair (Auchnacloy) to Lord Dundas
311 - Militia: Letter from William Eastburn (Leeds) to Lord Dundas
312 - Militia: Letter from Richard Letby (York) to Lawrence Dundas (Marske)
313 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Charles B Stennett (Manchester) to Lord Dundas (Richmond)
314 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Charles B Stennett (Manchester) to Captain Bell
315 - Militia: Letter from Captaiin P Mair (Auchnacloy) to Lord Dundas
316 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Charles B Stennett [Manchester) to Lord Dundas
317 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Charles B Stennett [Manchester) to Captain Bell
318 - Militia: Weekly return of recruits enlisted by party under Lieutenant George Bagnett
319 - Militia: Messrs Greenwood and Cox (Craig's Court) to Lord Dundas
320 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Auchnacloy) to Lord Dundas
321 - Militia: Return of recruits
322 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Charles B Stennett (Manchester) to Lord Dundas
323 - Militia: Return of party and recruits stationed at Leeds on the recruiting service under the command of Captain Bagnett
324 - Militia: Weekly return of recruits
325 - Militia: Weekly return of recruits
326 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Charles B Stennett (Manchester) to Lord Dundas
327 - Militia: Abstract of number of men who have volunteered for general service from the North Yorkshire Light Infantry regiment of Militia
328 - Militia: Captain P Mair, Armagh, to Thomas Dundas
329 - Militia: Letter from Major Charles Thoyts (Armagh) to Lord Dundas (Aske)
330 - Militia: Letter from Captain Richard Warner (Armagh) to Lord Dundas
331 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Armagh) to Lord Dundas
332 - Militia: Return of recruits
333 - Militia: Return of volunteers to the line from a recruiting party of the North York Light Infantry
334 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Armagh) to Lord Dundas
335 - Militia: Letter from Major Charles Thoyts (Armagh) to Lord Dundas
336 - Militia: Letter from Lieutenant Charles B Stennett (Manchester) to Lord Dundas
337 - Militia: Letter from Captain P Mair (Armagh) to Lord Dundas
338 - Militia: Letter from Captain Richard Warner (Armagh) to Lord Dundas
339 - Militia: Return of recruits
340 - Militia: Copy lettr from Lord Dundas (Aske) to officer commanding York district
341 - Miltia: Letter from Captain George Bagnett (Leeds) to Lord Dundas
342 - Militia: Return of recruiting party and recruits at Leeds
343 - Militia: Letter fom Lieutenant Charles B Stennett (Manchester) to Lord Dundas
344 - Militia: Letter from Captain Richard Warner (Liverpool) to Lord Dundas
345 - Militia: Return of number of officers, non-commissioned officers, drummers and privates belonging to the North York Regiment of Militia left in Great Britain on recruiting service
346 - Militia: Return of the number of recruits and substitutes joined at Richmond since September last 1814
347 - Militia: Blank form for numbers of men
348 - Militia: Blank form for numbers of live and dead stock
349 - Militia: Blank forms for numbers of implements and arms
350 - Militia: Memorandum on filling of vacancies in militia
351 - Militia: Notes of interrogatories and evidence
352 - Cleveland Volunteer Infantry: Muster roll of ... Loftus Company commanded by Captain William Usher
353 - Cleveland Volunteer Infantry: Regulations for the establishments, allowances etc of corps and companies of volunteer infantry accepted subsequently to the 3 Aug 1803
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bills, Accounts, Receipts3 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bills, Accounts, Receipts
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Financial Papers4 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Financial Papers
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bonds by Sir Thomas Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bonds by Sir Thomas Dundas
Expand 6 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bank Books6 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Bank Books
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Sir Alex Gilmour's debts 7 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Sir Alex Gilmour's debts
Expand 8 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Diaries etc.8 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Diaries etc.
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - General Political Papers9 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - General Political Papers
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Yorkshire politics 10 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Yorkshire politics
Expand 11 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Miscellaneous Petitions, addresses etc.11 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Miscellaneous Petitions, addresses etc.
Expand 12 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Scotland12 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to Scotland
Expand 13 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Verses etc.13 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Verses etc.
Expand 14 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Plate Glass Manufactory14 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Plate Glass Manufactory
Expand 15 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Ships and related papers15 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Ships and related papers
Expand 16 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Clubs: Brooks' and United Service Club16 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Clubs: Brooks' and United Service Club
Expand 17 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Dundas as J.P, North Riding17 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Dundas as J.P, North Riding
Expand 18 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Henry Holland's report on the temperature and ventilation of the House of Commons 18 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Henry Holland's report on the temperature and ventilation of the House of Commons
Expand 19 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to settlement of estates 19 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Papers relating to settlement of estates
Expand 20 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Horse and Hounds 20 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Horse and Hounds
Expand 21 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Moor Park: Letters and Papers about sale21 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Moor Park: Letters and Papers about sale
Expand 22 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Micellaneous papers of Lord Dundas22 - Personal Papers of Sir Thomas Dundas, 1st Lord Dundas - Micellaneous papers of Lord Dundas
Expand 2323
Expand 3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)3 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas, 2nd Lord Dundas (from 1820) and 1st Earl of Zetland (from 1838)
Expand 4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas4 - Personal Papers of Sir Robert L Dundas
Expand 5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas5 - Personal Papers of Admiral G H L Dundas
6 - not used
Expand 7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books7 - Personal Papers of J C Dundas [1808-1866]: Diaries and Letter Books
8 - Personal Papers of Thomas Dundas 2nd Earl of Zetland
Expand 9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland9 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 1st Marquess of Zetland
Expand 10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland10 - Personal Papers of Lawrence Dundas 2nd Marquess of Zetland
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