Key Collections

North Riding of Yorkshire Quarter Sessions, 16th-20th century

The Quarter Sessions had a variety of judicial and administrative responsibilities. As well as the records of the criminal court, you’ll find records relating to poor relief, registration of deeds, roads and bridges, taxes, beer house licensing, fisheries and game, nonconformists, freemasons, and much more.
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Dundas family archive, 15th-20th century

A fine example of a family and estate collection, the Dundas family papers consist of title deeds, manorial records and estate records relating to land in Richmond and beyond. The personal papers include correspondence, diaries and papers relating to India and Iraq. We hold records for other landed estates in North Yorkshire.
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Thirsk parish records, 1556-1998

The Thirsk parish records contain many of the record types you’d expect to see in a parish collection, such as registers of baptisms and vestry minutes. The collection also contains apprenticeship papers, settlement and removal papers and some workhouse accounts and papers. We hold records for almost 300 parishes in North Yorkshire.
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North Riding County Council records, 1889-1974

We hold records for the North Riding County Council that reveal the many functions that the county carried out, including educational provision, highways, police service, fire brigade, civil defence, health services, social services, consumer protection and libraries. We also hold records of many pre-1974 district councils.
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Friends School, Great Ayton, records, 1841-1996

Collections of school records can contain admissions registers, log books and governors’ minutes. You can also find other records produced by the school, such as school magazines, photographs and records of staff appointments. At the Friends School, Great Ayton, one pupil was nominated to write a daily account of school events and we hold these diaries from 1886 to 1958. We hold records for many other schools in North Yorkshire.
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Pickering Board of Guardians’ records, 1832-2001

Boards of Guardians’ records can contain minute books, admission and discharge registers, registers of births and deaths, vaccination registers, and records of workhouses and children’s homes. We hold records for 25 other Boards of Guardians in North Yorkshire.
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Plan of Arkengarthdale, 1718

We hold many maps and plans in our collections, including estate plans, enclosure maps, tithe maps and Ordnance Survey plans. Some maps contain names of tenants and field names, such as the survey of the manor and parish of Arkengarthdale belonging to Charles Bathurst esquire, 1718.
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