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Collapse 6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining
Expand 1 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Deeds1 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Deeds
Expand 2 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Leases 2 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Leases
Expand 3 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Accounts3 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Accounts
Collapse 4 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Letters and Papers4 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Letters and Papers
1 - Bound Letter files marked 'Zetland'
2 - Bound letter files marked 'Zetland' includes letters relating to Boulby Alum Works
3 - Bound letter files marked 'Zetland'
4 - Bound letter files marked 'Zetland'
5 - Bound letter files marked 'Zetland'
6 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland” Cleveland Extension Mineral Railway (containing proceedings of House of Commons Select Committee and Railway Bills Letters)
7 - Bound letter files marked 'Zetland'
8 - Bound letter file marked 'Cleveland'
9 - Bound Letter files marked 'Zetland'
10 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
11 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
12 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
13 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
14 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
15 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
16 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
17 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
18 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
19 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
20 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
21 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
22 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
23 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
24 - Bound letter files marked 'Waldridge Fell Wayleave'
25 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
26 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
27 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
28 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
29 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
30 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
31 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
32 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
33 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
34 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
35 - Bound letter files marked “Zetland”
36 - Zetland Minutes
37 - Zetland Minutes
38 - Letter file: Messts G.B. and T.E. Forster, mining engineers
39 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Ironstone in Upleatham and Loftus Mines
40 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
41 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
42 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
43 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
44 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
45 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
46 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
47 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
48 - Mr. Forster’s Report of the working of the Upleatham, Loftus and Whitecliffe Mines
49 - Mr Forster's Report on the Loftus Mine
50 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham Mine
51 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
52 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Loftus Mine
53 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham Mine
54 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
55 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
56 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
57 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Loftus Mines
58 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham Mines
59 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Ironstone
60 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham Mines
61 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Loftus and Upleatham Mines
62 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham Mine
63 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
64 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
65 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
66 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
67 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
68 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
69 - Mr. Forster’s Report on the Upleatham and Loftus Mines
70 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
71 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
72 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
73 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
74 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
75 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
76 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
77 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
78 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
79 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus Mine
80 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Upleatham Mine
81 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
82 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
83 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
84 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
85 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
86 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
87 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
88 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
89 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
90 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
91 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
92 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
93 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
94 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
95 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
96 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
97 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
98 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
99 - G.B and T.E Forsters Notes as to mineral leases on Whitecliffe, South Loftus, Upleatham and Hob Hill
100 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
101 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
102 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
103 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
104 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
105 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
106 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
107 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
108 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
109 - G.B and T.E Forsters Report on Loftus and Upleatham Mines
110 - Bound letter file marked “Mr Steads Awards"
111 - Easington Farm Arbitration
112 - Letters re Loftus New Lease
113 - Letters re Grinkle Tunnel also Plan of Pillars in Grinkle Tunnel Reserved Area
114 - Letters and Plan re Dawson’s Royalty
115 - Letter: Grange Farm Loftus with 2 plans marked A and B shewing quantities
116 - Book marked “Pearsons Royalty” giving details of Upleatham Mines Stock
117 - Book giving details of Upleatham Mines Trucks and Workings
118 - Duplicate Licence to Underlet. Marquess of Zetland and Messrs Pease and Partners Limited
119 - A collection of Letters between Pease and Partners and W. J. Moscrop Esquire, in connection with rents, Loftus Mines and Skinningrove Furnaces
120 - Letters from Lord Zetland with copy of Skinningrove Iron Company Ltd, Balance Sheet to W. J. Moscrop Esquire
121 - Letters in connections with Loftus Lease
122 - Notes taken from Upleatham and Whitecliffe and South Loftus Leases
123 - 3 Plans with letters attached
124 - Notes on Loftus and Whitecliffe Royalty
125 - File of Letters: Loftus Lease and Upleatham Lease
126 - Notes re Railway dues, Damages to Land
127 - Book containing details and plans of land damaged by Ironstone Works
128 - Book containing details and plans of land damaged by Ironstone Works
129 - Book containing details and plans of land damaged by Ironstone Works
130 - Book containing details of damaged land at Upleatham
131 - File of correspondence and plans relating to damage caused by subsidence to Loftus houses
Expand 5 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Plans5 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining Plans
Expand 7 - Alum Mining7 - Alum Mining
Expand 8 - Shipping records8 - Shipping records
Expand 10 - Personal Papers10 - Personal Papers
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