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Expand 1 - Title deeds1 - Title deeds
Expand 2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages2 - Wills, Settlements, Mortgages
Expand 3 - Manorial Records3 - Manorial Records
Expand 5 - Estate Records5 - Estate Records
Expand 6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining6 - Cleveland Ironstone Mining
Collapse 7 - Alum Mining7 - Alum Mining
Expand 1 - Alum Mining - 17th century papers1 - Alum Mining - 17th century papers
Expand 2 - Alum Mining - Loftus papers and accounts2 - Alum Mining - Loftus papers and accounts
Collapse 3 - Alum Mining - Loftus account books3 - Alum Mining - Loftus account books
Collapse 1 - Accounts 1 - Accounts
1 - Alum accounts: day book
2 - Alum accounts: day book
3 - Alum accounts: day book
4 - Alum accounts: day book
5 - Alum accounts: day book
6 - Alum accounts: day book
7 - Alum accounts: day book
8 - Alum accounts: day book
9 - Alum accounts: day book
10 - Alum accounts: day book
11 - Alum accounts: day book
12 - Alum accounts: day book
13 - Alum accounts: day book
14 - Alum accounts: day book
15 - Alum accounts: day book
16 - Alum accounts: day book
17 - Alum accounts: day book
18 - Alum accounts: day book
19 - Alum accounts: day book
20 - Alum accounts: day book
21 - Alum accounts: day book
22 - Alum accounts: day book
23 - Alum accounts: day book
24 - Alum accounts: day book
25 - Alum accounts: day book
26 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
27 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
28 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
29 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
30 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
31 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
32 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
33 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
34 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
35 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
36 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
37 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
38 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
39 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
40 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
41 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
42 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
43 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
44 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
45 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
46 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
47 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
48 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
49 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
50 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
51 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
52 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
53 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
54 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
55 - Alum accounts: wages book, also labelled day book
Expand 2 - Account books 2 - Account books
Expand 3 - Cash books 3 - Cash books
Expand 4 - Inventory or stock books for Loftus Alum Works 4 - Inventory or stock books for Loftus Alum Works
5 - Account (labelled Stock Book) of Alum received from Loftus Alum works for sale on account of Sir R L Dundas
6 - Alum account books: ledger
Expand 7 - Journals 7 - Journals
Expand 8 - Alum accounts: Prussian blue ledgers 8 - Alum accounts: Prussian blue ledgers
9 - R L Dundas, Alum Works and estate at Loftus Interest and Accounts Current etc
10 - Coals received at Loftus Alum Works
11 - Bills drawn and received
Expand 4 - Alum Mining - Vouchers4 - Alum Mining - Vouchers
Expand 5 - Alum Mining - Letter books5 - Alum Mining - Letter books
Expand 8 - Shipping records8 - Shipping records
Expand 10 - Personal Papers10 - Personal Papers
Expand 11 - Miscellaneous11 - Miscellaneous
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